Whether you have been spending more time in your primary home or a temporary one, it is important that your space cultivates relaxation and overall mental wellness. For those who travel often, it can be especially beneficial to feel comfortable and at peace in your space — no matter where that may be.

Below are seven tips to nurture your mental health by optimizing your home space.

  1. Add light
    Natural light can boost the levels of serotonin in your body, which can help you stay calm and focused. Open your curtains to let the sunlight in whenever possible – if that is not an option, try a sun lamp.

  2. Personalize Decor
    Be sure to place family photos, meaningful artwork, and other personal items in areas where you can easily see them. If you are traveling, don’t forget to pack a few items that bring you joy and display them proudly.

  3. Get Grounded
    Spend time outside and breathe in the fresh air while trying your hand at gardening. Growing your own fruits and vegetables also allows you to save money and eat healthier.

  4. Invest in a Home Gym
    It is no secret that regular exercise can do wonders for your mental and physical health. If you have room, invest in exercise equipment that will encourage a more active lifestyle. Even a few dumbbells should do the trick!

  5. Establish Work-Life Boundaries
    If you work from home, be sure to designate separate areas for work and relaxation. You might also consider removing electronic devices from the bedroom for better sleep.

  6. Decorate With Greenery
    Plants can bring a sense of calmness to your space, and may even improve air quality. Pick out some low-maintenance plants like succulents and place them in every room.

  7. Use Calming Colors
    Light blues, pinks and greens can help foster a calming home environment. Paint rooms or hang artwork in these colors, or simply add LED lights for a similar effect.

These tips can help you optimize your home (or home away from home) in a way that sets you up for success, and here is an infograph from Rocket Mortgage that may help, too.

Skylar Schmidt is a content creator who enjoys writing about a diverse number of topics – from lifestyle to mental health. If she is not writing, you can find her traveling, playing her guitar, or baking chocolate chip cookies.
