When we think of exercise, the physical benefits usually come to mind. But breaking a sweat everyday also has a positive impact on our mental health. I’m sure if you think back, you can remember a time where you didn’t really feel like working out. You had to give yourself a pep talk and drag yourself out of bed. But, you did it anyway and felt amazing afterward! We’ve all been there. Whether you’re lifting heavy weights or practicing yoga, daily movement can directly impact our mental state. 

Exercise is one of the best ways to reduce anxiety and improve our mood. With so much going on in the world right now, feelings of stress and anxiety aren’t uncommon. A run, a brisk walk, or even some Zumba can help turn your mood right around. Science says that the effects of exercise creates a complete mental shift and can help reduce these feelings. 

Daily exercise can also help improve your sleep, boost your self-esteem, reduce chronic diseases, grow your social life, and improve your sex life. 

To help you understand the link between exercise and mental health, Naked Nutrition created this visual that explores eight mental health benefits of exercise, backed by science:

Corey Doane is a Content Marketing Specialist at Siege Media and has a B.S. in Public Relations. She creates content on a wide range of topics and has a passion for the lifestyle and wellness space. When Corey isn’t writing, you can find her going on a hike and spending time with her family.

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