
Let’s face it: Sleep is great. Your body needs rest, and some of us need more rest than the rest than others. Especially if the weather is inclement, it can be hard to get out of bed to accomplish your daily must-dos, such as work or school, much less the extras like working out. But there are things that you can do to make those morning workouts less of a drag.

For starters, you can learn to appreciate the benefits of working out first thing — and there are distinct benefits. You will make better food choices throughout the day  and continue to be active in ways that people who don’t work out in the morning aren’t. But adjusting to a morning workout routine can’t be done overnight. You have to take steps to transition yourself to this way of thinking. For starters, if you have a bad sleep routine, you’re going to be taking an unwelcome toll on your body. What else should you do? This graphic explains it:

Tiffany Jersey is a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) professional with a B.A. in Journalism and a passion for storytelling. She loves turning the internet’s most-searched topics into articles that answer your most sought-after questions. She also enjoys spotting emerging trends so she can be the first to create the content her audience craves. Her archive can be found here.
