Are you a beginner meditator and looking for some advice on where to begin meditation?
Reduce travel stress with mindful meditation.
Traveling often presents stress overload. Working non-stop on the plane or the train with little downtime and not being in the comfort of your own space can be overwhelming. It is important to take care of your body and mind, and practicing the techniques of mindful mediation is a key way to significantly reduce travel stress.
Meditation is the art of training your mind, similar to the way that we use fitness as an approach to training the body. For most, this is a very challenging thing to do. The key is to not judge or become frustrated when the thoughts float in, but to simply be aware that they are there and then let them go with a deep breath.
Here are tips to get you into a renewed headspace while on-the-go with work travel.
1) The breath
There is no required way to breathe in this type of meditation, but I found it helpful to take long deep inhales through the nose, completely filling the lower stomach like a balloon followed by a bottomless exhale through the nose where the stomach becomes flat. The breath is an amazingly POWERFUL tool! When you catch yourself thinking during meditation, bring the attention back to the breath.
Breathe In,
Breathe Out.
That’s it.
Take a deep exhale through the nose to let the thought sail away. Again, there is no right way of breathing, but being very aware of the breath does help focus the mind.
2) Create a comfortable place to sit
It is important to set up an environment where you that sets the tone for relaxation, and frees you from distractions. Pick a seated position in which you can sit comfortably for at least 10 minutes. There are many variations to how you can sit; ultimately it is up to you. It's great to simply sit on the floor, but it's also fine to sit against a wall or even using a blanket, cushion, or low bench. The main point is that you are physically comfortable (you don’t want to move around too much) and the spine is straight to allow the flow of energy through the chakras.
I like to imagine that my spine is a tree that I can lean against. I sit on the floor with my legs crossed comfortably in front of me. I’m happy when I can stay in the same position throughout a meditation sit, but there is also no reason to feel tense and uncomfortable, so adjust when necessary. With practice, the spine will build up postural-supporting muscles, allowing you to sit comfortably for longer periods of time.
3) Decide on a mantra or technique to bring the focus back
Coming up with a mantra -- some word or phrase that you connect with -- and repeating it in your mind will help keep external thoughts from entering the mind in the first place and bring the focus back if thoughts arise.
I choose happiness.
I am perfectly at peace.
I am in the present moment.
You can say whatever you choose to yourself that has personal meaning or is significant to you at that time, such as“ I choose happiness” or “I am perfectly at peace”. What you use as your mantra or affirmation is completely up to you, just give it dedication and practice to figure out what means something to you.
The flow-like quality of mindfulness meditation is wonderful because there is no pressure to NOT THINK. It’s okay that thoughts come in; the most important part is to be MINDFUL of what those thoughts are. We should never change ourselves into some preconceived notion of what we “should” be, but we should rather be with ourselves as we already are.
4) Acknowledge your thoughts … and let them go
Part of having a mindful meditation practice is working with all those little thoughts that pop in. Of course thoughts will arise, that is just part of being human! Try to imagine and acknowledge those thoughts by admitting to yourself, “Okay, that is a thought,” and then focus on your next inhale. During your mediation, always practice working with the breath.
5) Make meditation a habit!
If you desire to find a significant change in the way you handle stress while traveling, it is important to make meditation a part of your daily routine. Creating a ritual for yourself is a great way to make positivity and mindfulness become part of who you are. Find what works best for you. If you have some time you can light a candle, burn some incense, and use essential oils -- anything that will get your senses flowing.
I like to listen to healing Zen-type music; it helps bring positive, motivating energy into my meditation. Having a little sacred space in your own home is a great way to remind you to practice at least 10 minutes a day on nothing but yourself. Make a commitment to journal daily about your experiences!
Observe how transformative this practice can be.
Yours in health,
Megan McKenzie
Megan McKenzie possesses a deep interest in health and wellness. She teaches Vinyasa Yoga, sharing her meditative practice with her students. Passionate about healthy food and her sweet Labradoodle, Murphy, Megan is sensitive to those around her and is eager to give back to the world.
1) Get Sleep
When you are traveling for work, it’s easy for your sleep cycle to be disturbed, especially if you are in a different time zone. Sleep is essential to keeping a focused mind for making those important business decisions while on the road. Sleep also keeps your immune system robust, helping you fight off those germs you come into contact with on the road. So don’t cheat yourself and get your 8 hours of sleep while on the road!
2) Get Moving
Sitting in meetings all day long or being in a plane for hours at a time wrecks your metabolism and can make you cranky. Wherever you travel, there is a gym somewhere close by. Take advantage of your 10 complimentary fitness classes by Stay Fit Housing so that you can keep your body moving and Stay Fit on the road. Even thirty minutes of resistance training or twenty minutes of high-intensity intervals will have your body thanking you later, and you’ll sleep better, too.
3) Get Hydrated
Your body is 70% water by volume. In order to maintain proper hydration and keep your internal processes working optimally, you need to stay hydrated. While on the road for work, make sure you drink at least 64 oz. of water daily. Don’t worry about having to go to the bathroom all the time, you can find them everywhere, even on planes!
4) Get Supplements
If you don’t already take supplements to help support your immune system, then start! Good immune boosters to take when you are on the road include: Vitamin D3 10,000IU daily, Spirulina, chlorella, Turmeric, and green tea extract. I like to take a few chewable Airborne tablets before I get on a plane and then again when I get to my hotel room. Repeat on the return trip.
5) Get Help
Going to the doctor is inevitable, no matter how healthy you are. When you are traveling, there is the added anxiety of figuring out where to go. When you are sick, the last thing you want to do is sit in an Urgent Care facility. Well, now there is telemedicine, where you can talk to a doctor over the phone. If your issue doesn’t need any additional intervention, then a telemedicine doctor can call in medication into a pharmacy close by to where you are staying. Many concierge practices like Hybrid MD offer this service, which is perfect for the busy professional.
Stay Healthy and Stay Fit!
Dr. Colin X Jairam is the CEO & CMO of Orange County's most innovative medical practice in Southern California, Hybrid MD. Hybrid MD offers urgent care services, age management medicine, laser and aesthetic medicine, and telemedicine, all under one roof.
I come from a family with a history of obesity, and like I mention in my book, Breaking the Chains of Obesity, 107 Tools, I grew up eating junk food. From chocolate chip pancakes to pizza and even pints of different flavored ice creams to choose from, I would indulge in all my food pleasures throughout my childhood. It wasn’t until my teenage years when I started to correlate this type of eating to my body image. Thank goodness I was an athlete growing up because if I wasn’t, who knows what type of body I would have.
With that said, it has only been over the last 10 years of my fitness career that I’ve taken my nutrition to the levels at which it stands today. I eat organically, I cut out both processed and virtually all high glycemic carbohydrates, I avoid sugar, I avoid caffeine, and I barely drink alcohol. I am very active and appear and feel very young and vivacious. This is why I eat this way. I love feeling great. I love sleeping well. I love feeling positive every day. I love feeling young. I love my sharp mind.
Do I ever eat “junk food?” Yes I do. And when I do it, I eat whatever I want. In other words, I never eat “healthier” diet food just to avoid calories, fat and carbs. I fulfill my deepest childhood pleasures by reaching for the carrot cake, pizza or Carvel ice cream cone if I feel like it. If I’m going to eat junk food, it better be worth every lick and every bite. It better bring me back to my childhood years when family surrounded me and the taste brought me to heaven. And I encourage you to do the same.
If you are on a weight loss journey, get the JZ Fitness Nutrition app, available on iTunes and Android. Learn it and embody it. If you do that every day and treat yourself once or twice a month to whatever you want, you will never be on a weight loss journey again. I understand that it might take time for some of you to lose weight, but at the end of the day, learning how to live an optimal life, with treats intermingled throughout the month, will allow you to lead a fulfilling life without always feeling guilty about your nutrition choices. I teach people to eat for fuel. But if you have the occasional Sprinkles cupcake because you’re in control and you want to celebrate occasionally, then just do it. Stop feeling bad about it. Just don’t do it more than twice a month. Fair enough?
Check out THIS clip which stimulated my thoughts around this post.
Jenn Zerling (“JZ”) is the wellness ambassador for Stay Fit Housing guests. JZ is a life-long athlete, lover of life and people, and wishes to help America break the chains of obesity. She provides customized nutrition coaching and fitness training services designed to help all guests optimize Stay Fit Living. JZ’s fitness and nutrition writings can be found in multiple media resources (including, and her JZ Fitness Nutrition app is available on iTunes and Android.
Consider it your home away from home. That is, no matter where your career takes you, just be the person you normally are when you’re at home, just at Stay Fit Housing. Stay Fit Housing is exactly what the name states – you get to stay fit, even when you’re traveling. Despite the erratic schedule, the bombardment of meetings, the lack of familiarity of where you’re visiting, this will be your home away from home. How? You have a team of passionate, five-star committed people who will walk you through an exceptional experience throughout your stay.
I’m JZ, the Director of Guest Wellness for Stay Fit Housing and owner of JZ FITNESS, a brand that develops programming for people to maximize their potential through optimal living. When I was invited to join the Stay Fit Housing Team, I felt honored and looked at it as another opportunity to extend my teachings to traveling executives who want to stay fit on the road. Is this really a possibility? Absolutely! In all my years of coaching clients, especially busy executives who travel two weeks out of every month, I found that the only two missing links to people falling off track were their lack of motivation and/or lack of resources. If people have motivation, but no resources, then Stay Fit Housing is a dream-come-true for them. For example, one of our guests had to travel for work, which interfered with training for her triathlon, which was only a couple of months down the road. As an athlete, I know the vigor that goes into training, and I did my research to find a high intensity interval training gym and a triathlon club for her in the city she’s staying in. She also downloaded my JZ FITNESS Nutrition app on her iPhone, and I coached her in nutrition. She loved this luxury and had never experienced this convenience and service before. She claimed that her travels were seamless, not only with her lifestyle needs, but with virtually everything else she needed. This is Stay Fit Housing.
On the other hand, if someone has the resources but not the motivation, then perhaps the Stay Fit Housing experience can be one’s induction phase to a healthy way of life. Either way, every guest receives the utmost amount of service throughout their stay so that not only are on-the road-stressors heavily reduced, but the guest is able to feel more “at home” on the road.
We are very excited to announce our Stay Fit Blog which is now open to health and wellness contributors who are looking to offer viable tips for traveling in good health for our guests and prospective guests. Please email if you would like to join our invigorating community. Living an optimal life is indeed a lifestyle, and with the right resources in place, anyone can do it. An optimal body is an optimal life.
We look forward to serving you with helpful on-the-road tips for those who wish to live well, wherever the road takes you.
Jenn Zerling (“JZ”) is the wellness ambassador for Stay Fit Housing guests. JZ is a life-long athlete, lover of life and people, and wishes to help America break the chains of obesity. She provides customized nutrition coaching and fitness training services designed to help all guests optimize Stay Fit Living. JZ’s fitness and nutrition writings can be found in multiple media resources (including, and her JZ Fitness Nutrition app is available on iTunes and Android.